Monday, September 28, 2009

Stop The Lie - 1-Hour Guide to 9/11 Controlled Demolition

United States is like the Titanic - steaming headlong into an Iceberg. 

Sure, I know; you've got a lot invested in your ticket, the drinks are good and the shows are even better. 
The food is fantastic, the gambling exciting, and there are tons of fun things to do. 
Who wants to talk about that stupid iceberg anyway? Who wants to do what it takes to turn the ship around or at least plan an evasive maneuver? "Nobody here, we're having too good a time!" ...

OK, but ignore the ice at your own peril. Know that those who intend to sink this ship will NOT go down with her.

As a matter of fact they stand to profit handsomely. They will speed off in their lifeboats, unite with the billions of dollars lost in the desert, and YOU will be left treading water. 

But not to worry; an even larger "global government" will come to your aidthe government's claims regarding 9/11 (up until now) cannot survive reasonable scrutiny, they must be rejected in favor of answers that can.

"the government's claims regarding 9/11 (up until now) cannot survive reasonable scrutiny, they must be rejected in favor of answers that can."

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9/11 Controlled Demolition important links

  • Compare video of real controlled demolitions - amazing, revealing
  • How were explosives set in WTC towers? video
    Links 9/11, old guard: - - -
    New events: - - -
  • The big divide, seminal event in 9/11 Truth Movement - Dr. Jones, Prof Harrit et al. - 9/11 Nanothermite Controlled Demolition Study of 2009 Paper. Original. The game is over. We need polygraph questioning.