Saturday, July 16, 2011

9/11Truth, intimate knowledge of inside op, Susan Lindauer, former Cia. Back workings in the months before 9/11


There was no threat that the United States did not create and manifest against itself.

our team gave advance warnings about the 9/11 attack in precision detail

we understood exactly how 9/11 would play out— with airplane hijackings and a strike on the World Trade Center. We had a good idea of the timing.

Yet for all that we tried, we could not stop it. Forces had been set in motion.

pushing the United States into two catastrophic Wars, and drowning our Middle Class in red ink and deficit spending to beef up profit margins for defense contractors.

Once Americans understand 9/11 as a collision of special interests, our country should be able to sweep away the false construct that has become the War on Terrorism. We should be freed to create a more effective strategy for protecting our nation's security, without exaggerating threats and manufacturing fresh hostilities against us.

Because there was no external enemy threatening our country on that terrible day. Just Us. It was always Us.

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9/11 Controlled Demolition important links

  • Compare video of real controlled demolitions - amazing, revealing
  • How were explosives set in WTC towers? video
    Links 9/11, old guard: - - -
    New events: - - -
  • The big divide, seminal event in 9/11 Truth Movement - Dr. Jones, Prof Harrit et al. - 9/11 Nanothermite Controlled Demolition Study of 2009 Paper. Original. The game is over. We need polygraph questioning.